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(518) 481-6737

The duties of the clerk include keeping the minutes of the Village Board meetings, maintaining records of adopted Village Ordinances and Local Laws, Oaths of Office, proofs of publications, annual budgets and zoning ordinances and maps. The clerk also keeps records pertaining to employees of the Village of Malone and works with the Franklin County Civil Service Program/Personnel Office at the court house. The clerk also issues state licenses/permits for such things as fish and game, bingo and handicapped parking.

Village Registrar of Vital Statistics

Rebahka Scaccia, Registrar

The Village Registrar of Vital Statistics is the keeper of all birth and death records within the Village; this person issues birth and death records, burial permits, as well as genealogical searches.

Tax Collector

(518) 483-4570

Rebahka L. Scaccia

Village Clerk
Records Management Officer
Tax Collector

Village Clerk

(518) 481-6737

Sherri McDonald

(518) 483-4570

Rebahka Scaccia, Tax Collector

Collection of village taxes starts on June 1st through June 30th without penalty.

In July 5% penalty is added and then an additional 1% for each month of Aug, Sept, and Oct.

The last day to pay is October 31st.

Payments may be made by sending them through the mail or in person at the Village Offices, at 343 West Main St, Malone New York 12953. For your convenience, we have a drop box located in our lobby, which is open 24-7.

We now accept debit and credit card payments with an added 3% processing fee.

Deputy Registrar

Account Clerk